New India School, Pune

Project Description

New India School is an education institute based in Kothrud, Pune having Pre Primary, Primary and High School level education facilities. Hon. Shri. Shashikant Bhau Sutar is a founder & President of this Trust and school.
As school campuses are mostly opened and remains in operation in day time only, Solar Power plant is ideal for such commercial entities. PowerSun has explained to school management regarding solar power benefits and future benefits. After releasing policy of Solar Net Meter in Maharashtra, New India school has decided to go for green energy concept. They have installed 3 different systems for their all three category of schools, i.e. Pre Primary, Primary and High School having capacity of 6.6. kWp each.
PowerSun has executed these projects with proper quality workmanship and as per regulatory requirements under net metering. Recently we got an approval of Solar Net Metering process from MSEDCL after their site visits and technical analysis of site in terms of system safety, performance & workmanship of electrical connection to Discom Utility.
Power Generated from Solar is directly get consumed in live consumption load viz. class room lighting, fans, lifts, Admin office, Computers, Air conditioners, Library area etc as a primary source of power. Balance power is drawn from grid if consumption is higher than generation otherwise extra power will be feed in to the grid if Generation is higher than consumption which will be recorded as consumer credit toward DISCOM.

Key Facts:
Project6.6 KWp Grid Tie Roof-Top Solar PV Power Plant-
Quantity 3 Sets.
Type of CustomerCommercial
Customer NameRaja Shri Shivrai Pratishthan’s New India School.
AddressBhusari Colony, Opp.PMT Bus Depot, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411 038


System Description:
  • Solar PV Module Rating- 305 Wp
  • Total No of Solar PV Modules- 66 No’s
  • Solar Grid Tie String Inverter Rating- 6 KW
  • Total no of Inverters- 3 Sets
  • DC Disribution Board and Srge Protection Device- 1 Set
  • AC Disribution Board and Srge Protection Device- 1 Set
  • Lighting Arrester- Provided
  • DC side Earthing Protection- Provided
  • AC side Earthng Protection- Provided
  • Solar Net Metering – Approved.